

Stewardship at St Joseph

St Joseph Parish is working to become a stewardship parish. As good stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cherish and tend them in a responsible and accountable manner, share them in justice and love with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace (1 PT 4:10).”

Stewardship is an expression of discipleship, with the power to change how we understand and live our lives. Good stewards live with joy and gratitude for the blessings they have received—including those that have multiplied through diligence and hard work. Indeed, good stewards live in communion with Christ, and through Christ and the Holy Spirit, strive to return all gifts to the Father “with an increase.”

What is a stewardship parish?

Here are eight key characteristics of a stewardship parish:

  • Prayer: Authentic stewards must be rooted in the sanctifying presence of Christ through prayer and sacraments that give spiritual nourishment and a bond of unity. Parishioners will be sustained, above all, with prayer and community building within the parish.
  • Hospitality: We will warmly welcome all members and all visitors. Everyone has something to contribute. Everyone is needed. Our parish community will be known for its hospitality, for the vitality of our faith, and for the depth of our service to people in need, inspiring our members to participate in ministry and to be generous in financial support.
  • Accountability: Consistent accountability is fundamental to good stewardship – from the way decisions are made and carried out by parish personnel to the way resources are collected, managed, and used to change lives.
  • Outreach: We will set aside a portion of parish resources (both financial and human) to serve persons in need in the parish, the community, the diocese, and the Universal Church.
  • Lay Witnesses: We will encourage and develop lay witness. The personal witness of members who have experienced Jesus and a change of heart because of their faith is essential to evangelization.
  • Shared Vision and Goals: Goals are set for all ministries that are challenging yet realistic and, when possible, measurable. Goals are communicated clearly to all parishioners with regular reports on the progress made toward reaching the various goals.
  • Re-commitment and Renewal: Stewardship is expressed not in a single process, but in a constant reminder and invitation to commit one’s very self to the Lord. Annual opportunities for re-commitment will help to transform individual lives and the life of the parish.
  • Theology of Stewardship: We will infuse the theology and practice of stewardship into the life of the parish – identifying opportunities for members of the parish to share their time, talent, treasure, and prayer and to establish an ongoing process to recruit, recognize, form, retain, and thank volunteers in all parish ministries.

For a deeper understanding about stewardship click here for the United States Council of Catholic Bishops document “Stewardship – A Disciple’s Response.

Living the Mission with Christ

At the end of the 2024 Easter season St Joseph Parish launched “Living the Mission with Christ” to renew our focus on parish mission and ministry. Everyone is invited to participate and respond to God’s great gift of love. 

Living the Mission with Christ is not a capital campaign to fund a specific project or goal, a financial pledge that you will be hounded about, a required tithe, or simply a program to balance the parish budget. 

Living the Mission with Christ is:

  • A call for our parish family to come together to pray for the mission and ministries of our parish.
  • A prayerful response to our call as disciples to be good stewards of the gifts we have received from God.
  • A covenant between you and God that reflects your gratitude for the blessedness and gifts of grace you have received.
  • An opportunity to reflect upon and renew your support of our parish’s mission and ministries through regular offertory giving.
  • Your plan for supporting the growth of His Kingdom on earth through the mission and ministries of St. Joseph parish over the next year.
  • It is unique to each family and household; it is not about equal gifts, but equal sacrifices for the Lord cannot be outdone in generosity.