Parish Master Plan


The parish master plan guides our long term building and grounds planning and expenditures.  Our goal is to make the most of the facilities we already have and to support the Diocese’s three goals for parishes (providing amazing worship experiences, forming missionary disciples, and increasing our acts of charity, mercy, and justice), and prudently plan for our future needs. 

The parish master plan was updated in 2022.  The plan has seven priorities, and the first four priorities have been completed:

  1. Remodel Saint Joseph church, adding air conditioning, new restrooms, and updated interiors (completed except for air conditioning in 2024) 
  2. Repair the museum’s damaged building foundation (completed) 
  3. Renovate Ministry House 1 for use as the pastors residence and Ministry House 2 for use as the relocated parish office (completed) 
  4. Build additional onsite parking and outdoor gathering space (completed) 
  5. Renovate the Carriage House to provide more ministry and meeting space, turning this deteriorated building into a valuable parish asset
  6. Build a sports field on the vacant land we own behind the school
  7. Complete the “Phase 3” building connecting the Mission church to the museum, which will provide restrooms and enclosed gathering space for the Mission.

Work on the remaining three remaining parts of the parish master plan will proceed when funding is available.  Click on the following links to learn more about them:

Renovate the Carriage House

Build a sports field

Complete the “Phase 3” building connection between the Mission church and the museum

Changes to the Parish Master Plan

The first parish master plan was created in 1999.  The 1999 plan’s highest priority was building a new, larger parish church. Other priorities included a school expansion.  However, the parish master plan isn’t “cast in concrete” – it changes as parish realities, needs, and goals change.  

In 1999 average Sunday Mass attendance was 3,000 and parishioners had to stand in the back of the church at some Masses; our average Sunday Mass attendance in 2022 was 1,000.  In 1999, our school was full; today the school is under capacity.  In 2013 we updated the master plan to add a kindergarten building for the school, which wasn’t envisioned in the 1999 master plan. 

When the parish master plan was updated in 2022 a larger church and school expansion were no longer necessary. But some things hadn’t changed.  In 1999 we did not have enough office or meeting spaces.  We were even renting office space across Mission Blvd for some ministries.  Today we still need more ministry and meeting space.

Other realities and needs have also arisen.  The Carriage House is no longer occupied because of its poor condition; the parish office moved to the renovated Ministry House 2.  Our 2022 master plan reflects the reality of its condition and need for repair.

The parish pastoral leadership team guides the parish master plan with advice from the parish facilities team.