Welcome to Mission 225!
Exhibits from the anniversary year
2022 Exhibits
Learn more about the Mission San Jose area through exhibits. We have partnered with the Washington Township Museum of Local History and others, to help you appreciate this special location selected long ago by the Spanish Franciscans for Mission San Jose.
The Women of Washington Township
March through December 2022
Focus on the women of Mission San Jose and the role they played in the evolution of this district.
Clicking below will take you to the Washington Township Museum of Local History website.
Snapshots of Mission San Jose
July through December, 2022
Images of Mission San Jose area and/or Mission San Jose Post Office over the years.
Clicking below will take you to the Washington Township Museum of Local History website.
Mission San Jose Museum
Wed., Thurs., Fri., 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Sat. & Sun., 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The museum featured artifacts of the pre-mission Ohlone Indians, a typical Padre’s cell, religious items of the Mission period, displays of the Rancho era, and the reconstruction of the original adobe church in the 1980s.
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