Our Lady of Good Health Vailankanni

Indian Community is delighted to invite you all to join our annual celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Vailankanni – Good Health on Sunday September 15th at 10am Mass. Hospitality following in the parish hall.

Vailankanni is the name of a sea shore village in Southern India where Our Lady’s apparitions took place in 16th century. In one of her apparition, she cured a crippled and became known as Our Lady of Good Health. The Basilica has since become ‘Shrine of Miracles’ and millions of devotees of all walks of life visit the Basilica Shrine every year now to pray for her blessings.

We start the day processing with Our Lady of Vailankanni from the Mission Steps 15 minutes before the Mass at 9:45am.

Our Lady of Good Health Vailankanni